Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Web Resources

After looking through some of the websites available for student and teacher interaction in the classroom, I saw Wikipedia on the list and thought I'd do a quick search for 'agriculture education.'

This is what comes up (Wikipedia, 2011)

Which is great, but then if you click on the secondary education link - NOTHING HAPPENS. There is no page written! This got me thinking, I could totally have my upperclassmen write that page, and share it with the world! They would be working together as a team, and connecting with the entire world, on a notoriously recognized website. Students could access their work from home, and I would probably have them compile everything first in a GoogleDoc until we are ready to officially post. Kind of excited for this project, actually. It's a big undertaking, with some definite research involved, but it would be so cool.

A second site I plan on using in my classroom is, no surprise here, the 4-H Virtual Farm Tour through Education World (Virginia Cooperative Extension (2000). Some of the things are a little corny and geared towards younger children, but there is a bunch of good vocab, interviews with real people, and quick review games.

Virginia Cooperative Extension (2000). 4-H virtual farm. Retrieved June 29, 2011, from

Wikipedia (2011). Agriculture education. Retrieved June 29, 2011 from

1 comment:

  1. Love your daily puppy gadget!!!

    I also loved your idea for having students create that page on Wikipedia! An excellent idea!! Also, keep in mind that any link on Wikipedia that is red means it is not an actual link. Either the link is now broken or it never even existed but someone thinks a link should exist there.

    Good use of references and citations.
